Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What is Art? Chapter 2

Art is something that has great value in our society, it is a universal visual language.

                                       ANDY WARHOL
Thirty Are Better than One

Warhol portrays Mona Lisa as a celebrity, someone whose instantly recognizable image circulates in the endless multiples through our mass media. He depicts other stars such as Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley in the same way, repeating their publicity photos repetitively. Warhol was fascinated by how celebrities have separate lives than what people see.

                                    LEONARDO da VINCI
Mona Lisa

The hype that Mona Lisa brings is that from Leonardo's contemporaries, to whom it appeared almost miraculously lifelike. Writer's and poets of the 19th century became mesmerized by what they say as a mystery and mockery of her smile, they described her as a dangerous beauty. Today the Mona Lisa attracts over five million visitors every year.

To compare the two artists i'd have to say that they both make ordinary people and emphasize them through art. The difference is that Andy Warhol's work depicts how celebrities are repetitive images through the media his artwork is focused on culture today. While da Vinci made an ordinary person into a celebrity for decades to come.

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