Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chapter 4 - The Visual Elements - Part 2

James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Nocturne in Blue and Gold, 1872
The use of the color blue shown here depicts overall calmness, blue contributes significantly to the subdued emotional mood of the painting. The strong stable vertical lines of the pier, the reassuring horizontals of the bridge and horizon shows tranquility.

                          Edward Munch. The Scream, 1893
The scream depicts negative emotions such as agony, horror, loneliness, and instability through the subject, colors, and lines. The scream is a silent one, the interior cry of a soul projected onto nature.

The similarities between the two is that they both show a sense of emotion. The difference is of the emotion each shows, one is a sense of tranquility and the other depression. James' piece shows emotion more so through the color blue, yet Munch's show emotion by the instability of the lines.

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